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Fit Girl's Guide to Getting that Booty Back

It's Spring Break season and there's a little over 10 weeks until MDW. If you're like me, you have been saying I will start my diet tomorrow since January 2. But, it's not too late to make the changes that will help you get that beach body.

Warning: The toned body that you may experience as a result of these diet changes may have you feeling flawless like Queen B and twerking like Miley.

1. Set a realistic goal. Is your goal weight loss? Weight maintenance? Increasing muscle tone? Determine what is healthy and realistic for YOU, write this goal on a large piece of paper, and hang it in a visible place where you will see your goal everyday (i.e. your bathroom, the refrigerator, your bedroom door). Make yourself accountable.

2. PLAN, PLAN, and PLAN some more. By planning healthy meals, you will be less likely to default to ordering take-out or opting for unhealthy convenience foods. I am not usually one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to nutrition trends, but meal prep is a popular trend that I 100% support. Dedicating one day per week to meal planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping makes healthy eating much easier. Make more than one serving of a meal so that you have leftovers readily available when you have a jam-packed schedule.

3. Portion control. Load up on fruits and vegetables. Eat lean sources of protein in a portion comparable to a deck of cards. Choose whole grains and keep starch portions to approximately the size of a baseball. See the MyPlate tool for additional information on portion control.

4. Recognize your weaknesses and find solutions. If you love ice cream, replace this treat with a Greek yogurt and fruit parfait topped with low-fat granola. If you find yourself snacking when you are stressed, have low-calorie snacks on hand or plan to take a walk, drink a glass of water, or paint your nails when the cravings hit (or even better, throw on your favorite song and shake that booty!).

5. Be mindful of alcohol. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to dehydration, impaired recovery after a workout, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Alcohol also causes an increase in appetite, which can counteract the progress you are making towards your goals.

6. Have a consistent and personalized exercise schedule that combines cardio and strength training. Even a 20-minute workout is better than nothing!

7. Carbohydrates and fat should not have a bad name! Adequate carbohydrate and fat intake it is imperative to ensure that protein is spared for basic bodily functions and muscle repair. It’s all about choosing the healthy forms of carbohydrates (i.e. whole grains, fruits, vegetables) and fats (i.e. olive oil, canola oil, walnuts, fatty fish). It is also important to remember that consuming large quantities of protein does not lead to increased muscle mass. Our bodies do not store protein consumed in excess.

8. The 20-30 minutes after a workout is the key time period that you need to take advantage of by having a snack containing one carbohydrate and one protein. This is the time in which your body is most efficiently repairing and refueling. Good options include a fruit and whey protein smoothie, Greek yogurt, and low-fat chocolate milk with a small banana. If you typically workout in the evenings, you can still have a well balanced, portion controlled dinner in addition to the post-workout snack.

9. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! It is important to hydrate throughout the day in addition to after a workout. If you are someone that finds it difficult to regularly drink water, carry a water bottle with you at all times and set a goal for how many times you will refill the bottle during the day. There are even cell phone apps that remind you to drink water! Do you find water boring? Try to the new fruit infusing water bottles.

10. Committing to a healthy lifestyle takes focus and hard work, but it is acceptable to experience hiccups along the way. Don’t let these set you back. Have an inspirational quote to focus on each week that will help propel you past obstacles.

Happy National Nutrition Month and let the countdown to warm weather begin!


(1) American Dietetic Association. Alcohol and Performance. Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition. Published 2010. Accessed March 9, 2015.

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